Letter: Face to Face learning

Please see the attached letter with a press release from DCC on face to face learning. Face-to-Face-Learning.pdf

SNOW: School closure Friday January 8th

Good morning Due to the weather and dangerous driving conditions, school will be closed to Key Workers’ children today Friday January 8th.  Online learning will continue for all learners. 

Letter: Online learning January 2021

E Knight (Ysgol Bro Famau) has shared a OneDrive for Business file with you. To view it, click the link below. Online learning January 2021.pdf Please find attached a letter about online learning until January 18th 2021

Year 1: Welcome back!

We are so happy and excited to welcome our Year 1 children back to Ysgol Bro Famau today.  It was a full house, all present! Hope you have a great day!

Letter: Covid19 signs and symptoms

If your child is displaying any of the symptoms described on the poster, please do not send them in to school and keep them at home.  Thank you. Covid-19-symptoms.pdf

Letter: Social Distancing PowerPoint

This PowerPoint explains the importance of social distancing and what we can do to keep ourselves safe.   social-distancing-at-school-1.pdf

Letter: Back to School Powerpoint

Here is a PowerPoint which explains to the children about coming back to school and how it might be different.   Here are some useful links for some  resources for the children. https://youtu.be/2PnnFrPaRgY – Hedghog story https://youtu.be/Akaty-l9LM8   – video explaining how school will be Return_to_School_Lockdown-Powerpoint.pdf

Letter: Key Workers URGENT

Please see the most recent information about Childcare Provision for Key Workers key-Workers-URGENT.pdf

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