Letter: Universal Primary Free School Meals

Please find attached a letter about the Universal Free School Meals rollout for pupils in Reception to Year 6 UPFSM-Blwyddyn-5-6-Llythyr-i-rhieni.-Year-5-6-UPFSM-letter-to-parents-Dec23.pdf

Christmas decorations: last day tomorrow

Thank you to all the children who have already brought in their Christmas decorations to school.  They look great! If any children would still like to take part, tomorrow is the last day to bring them in!

Wednesday panto: Arrangements

Panto   Reception – Year 6 We are all looking forward to going to the panto on Wednesday afternoon.  We will be leaving Llanferres after lunch and will be returning to Llanferres at approximately 4.30pm. All children will need to be picked up by their parents/carers  at 4.30pm. Please let us know if you will need After … Read more

PTFA: Message

Message from the PTFA Thanks to everyone who came to the PTFA Xmas Fair. It was nice to see the kids enjoying themselves, and it raised £360. The next event the PTFA are helping at is the school Xmas Dinner on Thursday 14th. If you can help from around 1130am to 1pm please let us … Read more

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