Letter: Flu clinics

Please find attached additional flu clinics.  flu-catch-ups-at-KB-english-1.pdf

Information: School transport

Please see below a message for DCC As Denbighshire schools start back on Monday 10th January 2022 we are aware of the current large number of covid cases and how it is likely that we may see some disruption, possibly at short notice to school transport. We will be publishing the following and ask parents/carers to discuss … Read more

Letter: DCC Covid Update

Please see attached a letter from DCC with details of the planning days in January  English-Letter-to-parents.pdf

Covid: Years 5 and 6

​Please find attached a letter for the parents of pupils in Years 5 and 6  Primary-School-SMS-14.12.21.pdf

Letter: Covid Reminder

​Please find attached a reminder letter of Covid procedures.  Llythyr-Atgoffa-Covid-Reminder-lLetter.pdf

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