Reminder: Hot weather

According to the weather forecast, the heatwave is due to continue. Please could we remind parents to apply suncream on children before they come to school.  Further suncream can be applied by older children themselves during the day. Please ensure that pupils have a water bottle that can be filled as required.  Diolch

KS2: Summer show

 Key Stage 2’s dress rehearsal of their summer show, Mystery at Magpie Manor  will be taking place tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday July 13th) at 2pm in Llanferres Village Hall. Any parents/grandparents who would like to watch are very welcome.

Categories KS2

After School Club: Mad Science

​There will be a flyer coming home with your child! Mad Science After-School Club Mad Science visited us today for a Mad Science Assembly! We are now offering a Mad Science After School club on a Wednesday from Wednesday 14th September. The deadline for registrations is Tuesday 19th July. You can register your children online … Read more

Parental Questionnaire: Summer 2022

​As part of our self-evaluation, we would appreciate if you could spend a few minutes completing the questionnaire below.​ Many thanks Mrs Knight

Letter: Summer Reading Challenge

​​Please see below some information about this summer’s reading challenge. The Summer Reading Challenge is the UK’s biggest free reading for pleasure programme for children. Taking place annually, the Challenge encourages children aged 4 to 11 to keep reading during the summer holidays. Children’s reading can ‘dip’ during the long summer holidays if they don’t … Read more

Reports: July 8th

Bore da Pupils’ reports will be sent to your child’s HwB address today. Feedback from Nationals Tests along with your child’s attendance will be sent at the end of next week. If you would like to to arrange a meeting with your child’s teacher on Tuesday July 12th to discuss the report, please contact school. … Read more

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