Letter: Jambori

Please find attached a letter with information about the Early Years trip on Monday to take part in the Welsh Jambori in Rhuthun.  Jambori.pdf

PTFA: Christmas Fair

Please see letter attached with information for the upcoming Christmas Fair. Thank you in advance for your support. Xmas-Fair-info-for-parents.pdf

PTFA: Christmas Fair

Please see the attached flyer for the PTFA Christmas Fair to be held in Llanferres Village Hall on Friday November 25th, 3.30pm – 5.30pm  ​On that day (25.11.22) the children are invited to wear their own clothes in return for donations of cakes and mince pies to be sold at the Fair. Thank you for your … Read more

Scholastic Book Fair: November 15th and November 16th

​​​We will be holding our Scholastic Book Fair on  Tuesday November 15th      3.30pm-5.30pm  Wednesday  November 16th   3.30pm – 5.30pm These make perfect Christmas presents and every book bought will be supporting our school. We look forward to seeing you. book-fairs-september-invite-rs-2158836.pdf

PTFA: Christmas cards

Please could orders for Christmas cards be returned today with payment (or Monday at the latest).  You can see your child’s design on Seesaw. These make lovely keepsakes and Christmas gifts for family members.

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