Letter: Grant for uniform

Please find attached details of how to apply for a grant towards school uniform. 2024-07-09-CSE-Letter-School-Uniform.pdf

PTFA: Bag2School

Bag2School Collection The PTFA have arranged a Bag2School collection for Thursday 4th July.  Please donate any unwanted clothes, shoes, bags, bedding, soft toys and towels that you have. Bags should be left outside the school (in either Llanferres or Llanarmon) by 9am.  Thank you

Summer Fair: Friday June 28th

On Friday June 28th pupils are welcome to wear their own clothes in exchange for bringing a cake to school. Cakes should be brought to Llanferres on Friday morning. Pupils will be able to visit the fair from 2.30pm and  are welcome to bring in money to spend.  Please be reminded that Junior pupils should wear  … Read more

Juniors TATA steel: packed lunch

For your information, every child will receive a  school packed lunch for tomorrow on return from TATA steel triathlon.  Pupils can bring a snack with them.

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