A Star sports: Juniors

A star sports will be starting for Juniors after half term. Please pay Alistair direct to book your place NOT to school. The details are: Name: Alastair Ross (ensure correct spelling 🙂 ) Acc: 12211667 Sort Code: 11-05-35  Ref: Childs name and Bro Famau ​

Sports Day: Wednesday May 24th

The weather is looking promising for tomorrow’s sports day. We will aim to start Sports Day at 9.30am and finish by lunch time.  Nursery children who are going home can be picked up at 11.30am as usual.  Pupils should wear their house colour T shirt, school jumper and black shorts.  Pupils can also bring a … Read more

Bag2School: Thursday 11th May

Bag2School Collection Our next Bag2School collection is booked for Thursday 11th May in the morning. Please donate any unwanted clothes, shoes, bags, bedding, soft toys and towels that you have. There are no specific bags so any bin liners can be used. Bags should be left outside the school (in either Llanferres or Llanarmon) on 11th May … Read more

Friday May 5th: Coronation Party Llanferres

Please be reminded that the Junior children will be transported to Llanferres tomorrow afternoon for our whole school Coronation party.  All children should be collected from Llanferres at the end of the day. 

A Star sports: Early Years

It is Early Years turn to do A star sport this week on Thursday.  Pupils  should come to school in their school uniform and bring their PE kit with them. Diolch

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